Bethlehem marketplace

The 41st reenactment of the Bethlehem Marketplace will be held on December 6 and 7, 2025 from noon to 5pm both days.

Marketplace is a FREE walk-through drama re-enacting how the village of Bethlehem might have appeared the morning after the birth of Jesus. Its atmosphere and surroundings are those of 2000 years ago. It features characters in historical costumes such as Roman soldiers, prisoners, tent makers, weavers, merchants in shops, census-takers, and more. Live camels and other animals lend authenticity to the re-enactment, and twenty-first century items do not appear.
While you are waiting your turn in the sanctuary, you will be entertained with Christmas music from local school choirs, groups, individuals and videos.
Attendance has averaged about 6,000 in recent years with visitors from Kentucky, Alabama, Illinois, Missouri, Georgia, North Carolina, and throughout Tennessee. Many people who trod the sawdust-lined streets of the village are repeat visitors.
There is no admission as we want this to be a gift to the community. Nothing is actually for sale. No reservations are required. Tour time averages about one hour, even at times of peak crowds.

All guests are seated in our sanctuary while waiting for the opportunity to visit Bethlehem Marketplace. There will be entertainment and musical presentations from various schools while you wait.

What to expect

  1. When you arrive, you will be directed by our parking lot attenders in the direction of available parking spaces. See Parking for more information and an alternative parking option.
  2. Everyone starts in the sanctuary. Look for the door marked Entrance.
  3. A Host/ess will direct you to a seat once your party is all together.
  4. Wait times normally range between 30-60 minutes but we cannot guarantee wait times.
  5. While waiting in the sanctuary, you may hear a local school choir sing Christmas carols or see a Christmas related video.
  6. At the appropriate time, a Host/ess will guide your party to a waiting cue. You may have to stand in this line for up to 10-15 minutes.
  7. You will transition out of the building and across the drive to a tent.
  8. As you enter the tent, you will encounter Shepherds telling the story of their encounter with angels announcing the birth of Jesus. Once they are done, they will encourage you to go into the city to see the baby yourself.
  9. You will enter “Bethlehem” and the streets will be covered with sawdust that may be uneven, but easy enough for wheelchairs, walkers, and strollers to navigate.
  10. After you have registered, you are free to roam the streets and interact as much as you like with the locals.
  11. After you exit “Bethlehem”, return to your vehicle, and follow the exit signs off church property.


We make ever attempt to safely park everyone on church property, but at peak times, there may not be enough availability. We do have an alternate parking site. Olive Branch Church (1115 Minerva Dr) graciously allows us to use their parking lot for overflow. Please wait at the covered drive and a bus will be around (about every 15 minutes) to pick you up and drop you off.