Frequently Asked Questions

Whether you are thinking about visiting or have just visited, you've probably got some questions about Southeast. Below are some of the most common questions people have. But if there is something else you would like to know, complete the Contact Us form at the bottom of the page and someone will get back with you as soon as possible.
Service Times
  •  8:45a    Bible Study
  • 10:00     Worship
  •   6:15p  Mid-Week 
Where are we located?
708 Minerva Dr, Murfreesboro, TN 37130
Click this link to go to Google Maps where you can get directions
What is our worship style?
  • Musically speaking, we lean more toward a modern worship style. Currently, we have a grand piano, keyboard, acoustic and electric guitars, and drums. In the past we have had a violin, saxophone and other instruments as our members have talents that they want to share in worship. 
  • Sermons are typically planned around a series which may last a few weeks or several months. It's important to us that our worship take the content of the Bible as Truth. We want to let the Bible shape our current understanding rather than let our current understanding shape how we worship. 
What kind of clothes do we wear?
We try really hard to continually remember why we gather together: To worship God and love each other. So attire really isn't an issue. Most people come in business casual to casual clothing. We just ask that you wear clothing that won't become a distraction to worship.

How To Contact Us

We'd love to hear from you. Fill out the form below to get started.