NewsFeed 02.27.25

Mar 2 @ 10a
This Sunday we continue our worship series called Metamorphosis. As people, we often try to change. Every year, a lot of people make New Year's resolutions to lose weight, eat right, exercise more and pay off credit cards. But by this time of the year (two months in), those resolutions are usually left in the dust. Why? Because most of the time, we try to change with our power. Spiritually speaking, we can never change, but Jesus can give us the Power to Change because He is the power that causes change. We must turn loose of self and let Him change us.

Click here for a copy of The Compass, March 2025 edition

PRAY 3:16 ON 3/16
The North American Mission Board (NAMB) promoting an evangelistic effort called Pray 3:16 on 3/16. That’s short for praying John 3:16 on March 16, 2025. It’s not just praying the John 3:16 verse but praying for the effects of the verse. That God will use us so that people will come to know Jesus as Savior and make Him Lord of their lives. I want to invite you to join me praying for those that need Jesus as Savior, beginning on March 1, through March 15 and on to Easter (April 20). I’ll explain a little more this Sunday.

HYMN SING, Mar 30 @ 4p
Come and sing some of your old favorite hymns along with listening to special music by Chord of Three and others from various churches in Rutherford County. This time, the cost of admission is at least one box of PopTarts (more are appreciated). We will take the PopTarts to the MTSU BCM so they can use them in the campus evangelistic efforts. A fellowship dessert will follow the Sing.

  • 3/2— 1p: Finance Committee Meeting
  • 3/2—2p: Worship @ The Rutherford
  • 3/5— 6:15p: MidWeek @ Southeast
  • 3/9— 1p: Deacon Meeting
  • 3/12— 11:30a: JOY Club
  • 3/12— 6:15p: MidWeek @ Southeast
  • 3/16— 1:30p: Go-N-Sow
  • 3/17— 11a: CBA Golden Gang (Mt Hermon BC)
  • 3/19— 6:15p: MidWeek @ Southeast
  • 3/23— 1:30p: VBS Workday
  • 3/26— 6:15p: MidWeek @ Southeast
  • 3/30— 1:30p: CLASS 300 – Getting in S.H.A.P.E.
  • 3/30— 4p: Hymn Sing

  • Feb 16, 2025
  • Bible Fellowship: 82
  • Worship: 140
  • Offering: $6,534
  • Weekly Budget: $7,883

I look forward to seeing you at church on Sunday. Love God—Love People! –  pastor joe